Care of the iguana in the moulting period

Like all reptiles, iguana periodically shed. The difference molting the iguanas from many other reptiles, such as snakes or gecko, is that moulting is not at the same time all over the body, but gradually and for a long time. Iguanas begin to shed with head and ends with molt tail. This can continue for a month, or even longer. Some copies of the manage shedding almost continuously - only at the tail end of the previous molt, and with the head begins to peel the skin. 

How to choose a pet for a child

Almost all of the children sooner or later begin to ask their parents, so they bought them some animals. The question arises: how to choose a pet for a child, such that it was not closely in the house and that the child was interesting carry with him the time?

In what animal you would not have stopped the choice, most likely, take care of it will have the most to you, the parents. Self-care for your pet will be only children of middle and senior school age. Small children often look at the animal, how to live a soft toy, so choosing a pet for a child it is necessary so that at the mutual communication is not affected neither it, nor the child.

Dog is the best option, if it can allow your living space. Better for the child to choose a dog large breed, such animals are to children friendlier place, allow you to play with, a patient with the kids. There are cases, when a dog to look after small children in the absence of parents. Well get on with children such breeds as newfoundland, collie, German shepherd dog, st. bernard, spaniel. Always affectionate pooch. It is not necessary to get a dog бойцовской of the breed. Decorative breeds, such as левретки, pugs, pekineses, are capricious temper. They require attention to themselves and can jealous of children.

The maintenance and care of the domestic animals

Long people surrounded themselves with animals. Once it had tamed useful wild beasts, now in the apartments contain a variety of animals: from the usual cats and dogs, to newfangled exotic giant snails. But the leadership still retain their usual cats and dogs.
However, bringing a pet into modern apartments, often the owners do not think about the difficulties which beset the content of "live toy". Difficulties it is subsequently discovered quite a lot, and they concern not only the location pet in the house, because each of them requires special care, care and attention, since the principle "We in the answer for those who tamed" no one has repealed. So, for example, the dog will need sufficient for the games space, even if it is representative of the fine breed. The place is even aquarium, and in the modern apartments of it, most often, not so much.

The problem of free space in the house, where live animals, each owner decides himself. But, perhaps, the most original solution of this problem have found the japanese. Небезызвестен the fact that in their flats-boxes places very little by the owners. And that is to say, in this case, about animals. In order not to deprive of the japanese living in such areas, the joy of communion with four footed, were created so-called "neko-cafe" ("neko" in translation from japanese- "cat"), where people can for a certain fee to play with the animals.

The Game "Caring for pets"

Regular toy "polly pocket petsgame" about pets is the fact that the beauty salon you will be able to put in order not only cats and dogs, but also to care for белочками, rabbits and other pretty beasts.

Caring for pets: cats, dogs

As experience testifies, pets suffer from the same diseases, as well as people. Therefore, to treat animals must be on the same technology that and for the people. I will focus only on those diseases that are exclusively pet.

1. Infection of cats and dogs fleas, and ticks. In the present time for the elimination of such infections are sold "противоблошиные" collars, when choosing which the buyer needs to know the following: their working life - not more than 5 months, they may not be applied in the period of lactation and pregnancy, as well as in cases of extensive skin lesions. Collars can cause allergic manifestations on the skin of animals. Fleas are carriers of helminth eggs, therefore it is necessary to carry out 3-4 times per year course дегильминтизации (struggle against the worms with the help of strong antiseptics). We recommend instead противоблошных collars use of electroactivated water. Bathing its pretty establishment once a month in anolyte, you get rid of this trouble.

Caution - babesiosis!

Babesiosis dogs (Babesiosis dogs) - a disease caused by кровепаразитом, the carrier which are ixodid ticks. In the absence of timely treatment of the disease is fatal. Infection of animals occurs in the paddock in the parks, forest, domestic sites. The first symptoms of the infection is severe, refusal to feed, increased body temperature, skin pallor of the mucous membranes. In a more severe form of the disease mark yellowness of the mucous membranes of the skin and dark urine. The diagnosis of disease based on symptoms and blood tests suspicious about the disease dogs. For the treatment of piroplasmosis (babesiosis) apply пиросан, верибен, and most new and has less side - effects - фортикарб, as well as preparations нормализирующие the liver, kidneys, antibiotics, vitamins, plasma-replacing solutions. In severe cases, blood transfusion, which is carried out in clinics of "Doctor-Wet".

In the park of Brussels will open bar for dogs

Bar for dogs Toutou Bar (toutou - child the name of the dog in French) will open on may 6 in the park Вольвендал on the southern outskirts of Brussels, the correspondent of RIA of News.

Canine bar are located on the territory of the park Pavilion Louis XVI - a small building in empire style, where up to now was a restaurant for the people.

According to the organizers, as to dog breeders, as well as their favourites in the bar will be offered beer, биопаштеты and other delicacies from the specially designed menu.

As it was informed earlier, in Belgium already brewed beer for dogs under the name Kwispelbier ("beer for the caudate").

In contrast to the usual "dog" beer contains alcohol and gas. It is cooked on the basis of hop with the addition of protein, fat and cellulose and has a taste of chicken or meat.

Belgium is known as the largest exporter of beer. In the country there are about 500 varieties of этикетированного foamy drink.

Caring for a cat, councils for care of a cat

The amount of time that must be devoted to caring for cats, depends on how long the cat hair or short, are you going to show it at the exhibitions of cats or she will simply be your friend. The cat is one of the most neat in the world of animals and spends most of his waking for face washing.

It can perfectly do without washing, because it is the daily combing the comb and brush. But if you are a lover of cats and are going to show your cat at exhibitions, then you should especially watch for its appearance and regularly care for her and wash her. It is also necessary to wash, if the hair gets some unfamiliar and toxic substance, which it is necessary to wash off immediately. If a cat living at home and out on the street, it can stain, and it, too, need to be washed.

Because of the cat's saliva dark wool from cats can get a reddish hue, and if the hair in her white or light colored, it becomes yellowish. The color of the hair may also change under the influence of solar rays. So how much would you have washed it, do not always manage to keep the hair clean, without spots.

The puppy in your home

Let's begin our conversation not with the ascertaining of the fact - You bought the wolfhound, and a little earlier, when You are only going to do it.

Extremely serious problem of choice of the puppy future owners too often decide impulsively. And emotions when it comes to satellite person for 10 years- 15, a bad adviser.

First of all, we recommend to cook myself a cup of strong coffee, get comfortable in a chair, remember all that You are aware of the shepherds волкодавах, and honestly answer itself to the following questions:

- are You ready to order the deprivation, which will inevitably bring the dog in your life (damaged furniture and shoes, puddles and piles of the "children's" period, walks in the pouring rain and return to the apartment чумазого pet, difficulties with the release, spending on equipment, good-feeding, training and, God forbid, treatment, etc., etc., etc.);

- are You ready for the hard work of the soul, the mind and hands;

- if all of your family members welcome the appearance of the dog in the house.

- do You feel the strength and confidence that can deal with an independent, proud, independent and very strong dog?

If You have answered at least one question - do not hurry up to buy the wolfhound! Better ask for advice from the experts.

But the puppy is purchased. What's next, what can grow from it?

How to clean ears of a cat?

I remember well the time, when my cat was suffering from ear mites is she from time to time became literally itself is not his, ran hither and thither in the rooms, frantically flashing eyes and constantly combing the legs of his ears. It was visible, that the ears she has a very itch, and an urgent need to do something...

Fortunately, all this in the past. Now my cat is the owner of the clean ears, in which there is no hint at the ticks, and probably the last of her only appear occasionally in her cat's dreams :-)

So what is the enemy of the - ear mites? Mites are microscopic spider, living on the skin or in the ear canals cats. The cause of this disease live in the external auditory canal and eat the remnants of the skin (the epidermis). Usually the cat mites are surprised both ears.

The characteristic sign of ear mites is intense itching, in which a cat violently cards ears and shakes his head. In particularly severe cases may even combing their ears to the blood, so severe itching of their torments.

Recommendations for feeding turtles

When the owner of the land or freshwater turtles brings a sick animal to the vet, the disease is usually caused by one of two reasons - incorrect content or incorrect feeding. Now there are a variety of commercial pet foods, but most of them are suited for certain kinds of reptiles. The same applies to the food, prepared in the home.

There are a large number of species of water and land turtles. Our advice is only approximate recommendations for your pets feel good. Each owner must be a book on content and feeding of exactly that kind of reptile, which it contains.

Follow common sense. With regard to feeding, it is best to rely on common sense. Some people begin to feed the turtle so well how to feed a cat or a dog, and it is a huge mistake. Dogs and cats were domesticated thousands of years ago, while the anatomy and physiology of the turtles was formed millions of years ago. Millions of dollars are being spent on the study and clinical trials of a balanced enriched fodder for cats and dogs, but only for them. And there are hundreds of species of turtles, each of which has its requirements to the feed.

Companion Animals...

Companion Animals invites You to talk about the wild, exotic animals and pets. To your attention the photos of animals and birds, as well as a description of the species of dogs, cats, horses, chickens, geese, quails, turkeys, aquarium fish. Tips, as correctly to carry out withdrawal, the content, the feeding, breeding, education, training, treatment of pets.

Zootovary and feed, their description and address of the pet shops, veterinary pharmacies and veterinary clinics. An interesting forum, at which will be able to talk and learn a lot not only about the usual pets, but on such rare and exotic, like cockatoos, canaries, geese, amazons, lori, rosella, pigeons, ferrets, chinchillas, hamsters,rats,mice, guinea, guinea pigs, squirrels, gerbil, sony, praying mantises, butterflies, dragonflies, toads, frogs, dragonflies, salamanders, pigs, goats, rabbits, horses, turtles, snakes, spiders, lizards, rats, hamsters, squirrel, jerboa, ground squirrels, proteins, ferrets, eagles, pigeons, sokol, the crow, crow, hawk, shark, monkey, pig, pig, goats, opossum, frogs, snails, crustaceans, centipedes, reptiles, newts, salamanders, червяги, iguanas, crocodiles, chameleons.

Becoming the participant of the forum, You can discuss: breeds of dogs, breeds of cats, breeds of horses, variety of species of birds, fish and rodents. To tell an interesting story, add photos of the animal, to talk about зоотоварах, pet food, fashion, clothing for animals. Consult a vet on-line on the forum will help you in case of illness, cats, dogs, aquarium рыбок.Вы will be able to learn whether you need to sterilization, how to deal with worms and fleas, which medicinal plants can be used for the treatment of animals, what to do, if the animal fracture or an open wound.