Care of the iguana in the moulting period

Like all reptiles, iguana periodically shed. The difference molting the iguanas from many other reptiles, such as snakes or gecko, is that moulting is not at the same time all over the body, but gradually and for a long time. Iguanas begin to shed with head and ends with molt tail. This can continue for a month, or even longer. Some copies of the manage shedding almost continuously - only at the tail end of the previous molt, and with the head begins to peel the skin. 

Often such frequent changes of the skin speak about any violations, therefore, should be on similar processes to pay attention.
Iguana, covered with gray rags hanging skin, you may not like it all, and so you can accelerate survive moult, helping the animal Separating areas линной skin can be gently removed, trying not to hurt others, still not ready to be removed. At this time you should be careful - линяющая iguana actively itches, getting rid of preventing her flaps. For example, to remove the residue of the skin on the head, she may intervene in the process, stripping their rear paw. Given the strength and severity of her claws, it is not recommended to put under their hands. Scratches and bruises, if they occur, should be washed and disinfected.

The greatest role during the molting plays humidity. On this, when you notice the first signs of molting, should be daily bathing iguanu in warm (26-28°C) water or daily abundantly spray, moistening the skin bathing you can use a weak solution of soda softening the skin No cosmetic products not recommended - the iguanas, like other reptiles, the skin does not accept and does not spend any matter, so the water is the best, than you can use.
Excessive dryness of the air during the molting leads to присыханию dead skin areas with further formation of ulcers. Especially damaged crest and tail tip, so they require the most attention. Individual pins of the ridge, not облиняв, are squeezed the remaining skin, as close a cover, пережимаясь at the base. This process, if not seen, again with the next moult. Such thorn looks истонченным at the base, as would drag. After some time he omertvevaet and falls off.

You can see iguanas, have in place ridge on the back or from individual sites instead of high and beautiful spikes sticking out the poor hemp is the result of the lack of humidity and the negligence of the owners. Similarly suffer the tip of the tail and fingers - rest and присохшая old leather causes compression, disturbed blood supply, tail or finger gradually dries out, and one day you was horrified to discover that 20 centimeters graceful and slender tail falls off, exactly the same length of reducing its grace, or a claw отломился and hangs on the thread.

Therefore watch carefully for the moult, bathe and spray iguanu, not giving the old and dead skin присыхать, spoiling the animal. If this does happen, place iguanu in warm water - she will be happy to take a bath and after some time, making sure that the old skin отмокла, carefully remove her, carefully examining each shil ridge, tail and fingers, removing from them the old covers. For the convenient use a small pair of tweezers and nail scissors, and for the treatment of large areas on the body - normal toothbrush.