How to clean ears of a cat?

I remember well the time, when my cat was suffering from ear mites is she from time to time became literally itself is not his, ran hither and thither in the rooms, frantically flashing eyes and constantly combing the legs of his ears. It was visible, that the ears she has a very itch, and an urgent need to do something...

Fortunately, all this in the past. Now my cat is the owner of the clean ears, in which there is no hint at the ticks, and probably the last of her only appear occasionally in her cat's dreams :-)

So what is the enemy of the - ear mites? Mites are microscopic spider, living on the skin or in the ear canals cats. The cause of this disease live in the external auditory canal and eat the remnants of the skin (the epidermis). Usually the cat mites are surprised both ears.

The characteristic sign of ear mites is intense itching, in which a cat violently cards ears and shakes his head. In particularly severe cases may even combing their ears to the blood, so severe itching of their torments.

But this is not the only sign of infection ear mites. Another sign of the disease is the presence of dark-brown plaque in the ear, he in its structure resembles the coffee grounds and looks just as brownish dirt in the ears of a cat, she also has an unpleasant smell.

The more amazed ears, the sicker the cat, the more it will have an itch from these ticks, and mites it is always better to keep at the initial stage and never run cat ears, and carefully supervise them. As soon as there appear some dark raids, some black points - it ticks. They are very tiny, they can be seen well only under a microscope, the eye as they are visible as black-and-brown points.

As soon as they appear, they should be immediately removed and not run the cat's ears.

How to clean the ears of a cat from ear mites? For this you need to buy a special preparation for the ears - called "Bars", is sold in pet shops. This is a special liquid, with the help of which we will clean the ears of our cat. Also we need to boric acid in the form of a powder, it is sold in pharmacies in small bags and is very cheap. You also need to collect the cotton sticks - or buy ready-made, or to make the most of the matches and wool, to do them, you just need to wrap the match wool and cotton swabs are ready. Such wadded sticks to it less than 20-30 pieces, because they will get dirty, when we will be removing ticks from the ears and they will have to change to new.

After this everything is ready, take a bottle with "Leopard", put this "Leopard" in some small cap, for example, from the plastic bottle and put near there, where you will carry out the procedure.

Then take boric acid (which we will pour in your ear after cleaning). As this is technically done - you take a small piece of paper is about the size of a palm, can be less, fold it in half, inside насыпаете a pinch of boric acid, on the one hand you can hold the paper clip to the powder does not spill. Do these 2 pieces of paper with the powder inside and put there, where you will clean the ears of your cat. Then from these pre-prepared papers with powder would be very convenient to pour out boric acid cat right in the ear - but we will do it in the end, so let it be these 2 pieces of paper lie down, waiting for its hour.

All the tools for the successful treatment of the ears are prepared, then we go to prepare a cat.

Cleaning the ears - a rather unpleasant procedure for cats, therefore before the beginning it is important to take precautions, protect yourself from the clutches of your favorite, because that's what it will be pulled out of your hands during the procedure, that's for sure. How are precautions - this is done very simply - is a thick blanket, cover, blanket - anything, even a towel, main, that it was thick enough (so that plain sheet does not fit). The cats are pressed to the body and then you закутываете cat in it covered, as would пеленаете it so that stuck out only one head. It is very important запеленать her feet, that she might not them you scratch. To veil was held and did not fall down, you can tie it any rope or a ribbon around. Your cat will resemble a small запеленатого of the child :-)

When you are done, you can proceed to the cleaning of the ears. Of course, the easier it will be, if someone you will help to keep the cat in the right position, keeping her head, because it will always be her pull and try to escape. But if there is none, it is possible to perform the procedure and one.

Well, after our cat we замотали, can quietly proceed to the cleaning of the ears. Doing it in the queue - first in one ear, then the second. Wrap the cat ear back - how would выворачиваем it out, to be visible inside the ear - the cat is very easily done - then take ватную wand, обмакиваем her in the solution of the "Bars" of our cooked caps, and we clean brown plaque from the ears with this wand. Clean the cotton тампончиками ears, remove dark flush - first scrape away large pieces of film, and then smaller.

As soon as wool on a stick dirty, ватную stick change to a new one. And so on until the complete purification of the ear.

Cat it will be very unpleasant, the more amazed ears, the harder it will be, but the point here is that clean all soon will be unpleasant it was not for the cat, so don't stay if the cat protests and in every possible way tries to disturb you.

Attention! Do not get cotton swab too deep in the ear - can injure the eardrum! Only clean the dark plaque that is visible from the outside eye, and the ear passage did not climb!!! Otherwise it could end badly for cats, because damage to the eardrum can cause hearing loss.

When you cleaned both of the ear this way, when they were clean, you need to perform another procedure, about which I mentioned earlier. To consolidate the results of us need more sleep cat in every ear a few of boric acid, which we have already pre-prepared. We just fell asleep from our paper prepared this powder cat in the ear, and not in the ear canal, namely in those places that have been struck by the ear mite - we fall asleep as powder. The cat will shake his head, but it's just good - this powder spread evenly around the ear. Part of the высыплется from the ear, and will remain in the ear only the minimum necessary amount of boric acid, which is necessary.

This procedure should be carried out 2-3 times a week the first week, then once a week, then once a month, and so on, less and less, until the complete disappearance of mites of the ears.

Success in cleaning ears You and Your pet!