Caring for pets: cats, dogs

As experience testifies, pets suffer from the same diseases, as well as people. Therefore, to treat animals must be on the same technology that and for the people. I will focus only on those diseases that are exclusively pet.

1. Infection of cats and dogs fleas, and ticks. In the present time for the elimination of such infections are sold "противоблошиные" collars, when choosing which the buyer needs to know the following: their working life - not more than 5 months, they may not be applied in the period of lactation and pregnancy, as well as in cases of extensive skin lesions. Collars can cause allergic manifestations on the skin of animals. Fleas are carriers of helminth eggs, therefore it is necessary to carry out 3-4 times per year course дегильминтизации (struggle against the worms with the help of strong antiseptics). We recommend instead противоблошных collars use of electroactivated water. Bathing its pretty establishment once a month in anolyte, you get rid of this trouble.

2. The fight against helminths (worms). Depending on the mass of the body, in the morning for 30 minutes before eating, we pour a small syringe in the mouth of the animal from 50 to 200 ml. 2-3 times a month anolyte. The procedure helps better than противоглистные tablets.

3. When the disease is silent deprive (dogs and cats) carried out treatment of the affected area of the skin with the help of a tampon (lotion), wet anolyte with the exposure up to 15 minutes at a temperature of 20°WITH. On the second-third day these places were treated catholyte. Such procedures carried out 3-4 times a day. During carrying out of the procedures do not have side effects. A positive effect, as a rule, come on 5-6 day, but sometimes, in the most severe forms of the disease, reception of electroactivated water should be continued for a month and even more. Functions of the skin were restored, and in 2 weeks after the affected areas of skin заростали hair.

4. Гипосилярий (larvae of the freshwater fish get into the blood, causing the dog suppuration of the lips and chin). Every morning syringe enter into the mouth of 50 grams of anolyte. As a rule, through the month all the symptoms disappear.

5. Cataract (a thorn in the eyes). Veterinarians against this disease are powerless, and operations effect does not give. With the use of Living water got rid of the disease as follows: buried in the morning in the eyes of the "dead water" on 2-3 drops, and in the evening "living water". Also with the help of the syringe нагнеталась in the mouth for 50-100 ml "living" water, within 2 months. In the following as appropriate course repeat.

6. With the help of irrigation of the oral cavity "dead" water is removed tartar build-up (yellow teeth). For this it is necessary to perform the procedure on a regular basis.

7. To ensure that Your dog or kitty were more healthy, we recommend that you fully "translate" them into drinking электроактивированную water for it: to prepare food and drink. As in our water is not enough iodine, and his younger "brothers" in water it is necessary to add"jodis-concentrate".