How to choose a pet for a child

Almost all of the children sooner or later begin to ask their parents, so they bought them some animals. The question arises: how to choose a pet for a child, such that it was not closely in the house and that the child was interesting carry with him the time?

In what animal you would not have stopped the choice, most likely, take care of it will have the most to you, the parents. Self-care for your pet will be only children of middle and senior school age. Small children often look at the animal, how to live a soft toy, so choosing a pet for a child it is necessary so that at the mutual communication is not affected neither it, nor the child.

Dog is the best option, if it can allow your living space. Better for the child to choose a dog large breed, such animals are to children friendlier place, allow you to play with, a patient with the kids. There are cases, when a dog to look after small children in the absence of parents. Well get on with children such breeds as newfoundland, collie, German shepherd dog, st. bernard, spaniel. Always affectionate pooch. It is not necessary to get a dog бойцовской of the breed. Decorative breeds, such as левретки, pugs, pekineses, are capricious temper. They require attention to themselves and can jealous of children.

Unlike dogs, cats do not always need to walk, they occupy less place and relatively clean. However, the nature of these animals guess it is much more difficult, so you need to know how to choose a pet for a child. Is not recommended to keep the cat, if you have at home a small child (up to 2-3 years). It is noticed, that cats are more patient than cats, when their children are missing, придушивают, drag the tail. Affectionate breeds are considered angora, Russian blue cat, himalayan, burmese, and breed рэгдолл (literally "rag doll") was bred specifically for communication with the children.

For children it is important to have the possibility to pet the animal, to touch him, this is understood as an expression of love. So for the child 7-10 years it is possible to get the rodent - hamster, guinea pig, rabbit. On these unpretentious animals may take care child and younger, if you are sure that he will treat them with care. Such animals may be transported in cages at the cottage, in the village. Do not let the animal out of the cell. Rodents can run away, hide behind the furniture. Free running around the apartment, they will gnaw the wire, to spoil wall-paper. Better not to buy a pair of animals, if you don't know what then happens to their offspring. Live rodents long, so you must be ready to explain to the child the death of the pet. On the whole, rodents is the most economical and undemanding to life conditions option. Buy rodents better in specialized shops, as well as when buying a hand-there is a big chance to get a sick animal.

Little space is in the cage with the bird or aquarium with fish. But if the wind the bird or fish, you need to be confident that the child would be with them interesting. For a start, we should not stop at the most expensive version. Catfish, guppies, molly easier to care for and are cheaper. And here aquarium you need to take the big, what you can afford. It is necessary to have in mind the fact that if for some reason you leave the apartment for a long time, someone should look for an aquarium in your absence. In the contemplation of floating fish man begins to feel calm, so fish can be taken for the active child to it when dealing with fish studied patience, was more reserved.

Unlike fish, birds most noisy for your home animals. But it allows the child to make verbal contact with communication, to teach the bird talk. With a dog or hamster this will not work. Therefore, the birds often recommend to buy for the children with speech disorders. At the same time, the bird's feathers and dust from the feed can cause allergic reactions. It is not necessary to place the cage with the bird in the room, where the child is located for a long time. Live birds are very long, and with good circulation can live up to 20 years.

Communication with the animals is very useful for the timid, shy children. Feeling responsible for the creature, which is weaker than he, a child becomes more confident. In the company of the child easier to overcome their children's fears. The child is very important that the pet takes him trustingly, without criticism. Next to the pupil children it is easier to carry inattention parents, no friends.

If a child brings to the streets animal, do not put it back. This can cause psychological trauma, which subsequently resulted in cruelty and insensitivity, addressed to other animals or even to close people. In an extreme case, try to attach an animal with other people or in a shelter.