In the park of Brussels will open bar for dogs

Bar for dogs Toutou Bar (toutou - child the name of the dog in French) will open on may 6 in the park Вольвендал on the southern outskirts of Brussels, the correspondent of RIA of News.

Canine bar are located on the territory of the park Pavilion Louis XVI - a small building in empire style, where up to now was a restaurant for the people.

According to the organizers, as to dog breeders, as well as their favourites in the bar will be offered beer, биопаштеты and other delicacies from the specially designed menu.

As it was informed earlier, in Belgium already brewed beer for dogs under the name Kwispelbier ("beer for the caudate").

In contrast to the usual "dog" beer contains alcohol and gas. It is cooked on the basis of hop with the addition of protein, fat and cellulose and has a taste of chicken or meat.

Belgium is known as the largest exporter of beer. In the country there are about 500 varieties of этикетированного foamy drink.