Caution - babesiosis!

Babesiosis dogs (Babesiosis dogs) - a disease caused by кровепаразитом, the carrier which are ixodid ticks. In the absence of timely treatment of the disease is fatal. Infection of animals occurs in the paddock in the parks, forest, domestic sites. The first symptoms of the infection is severe, refusal to feed, increased body temperature, skin pallor of the mucous membranes. In a more severe form of the disease mark yellowness of the mucous membranes of the skin and dark urine. The diagnosis of disease based on symptoms and blood tests suspicious about the disease dogs. For the treatment of piroplasmosis (babesiosis) apply пиросан, верибен, and most new and has less side - effects - фортикарб, as well as preparations нормализирующие the liver, kidneys, antibiotics, vitamins, plasma-replacing solutions. In severe cases, blood transfusion, which is carried out in clinics of "Doctor-Wet".

The most active disease is apparent in the spring, after the snow and a little weaker than in the autumn before the onset of freezing temperatures. Thus, there are two waves piroplasmosis - the spring (march-end of June) and autumn (late-August to early October). However, individual cases пироплазмозом are registered throughout the time from spring to autumn. Spring outbreak of disease is accompanied by the greatest number of sick dogs. Therefore, from the end of February, it is necessary to carry out continuous processing of animal repellents. With this purpose can be used as collars and insect-drops at the withers, and sprays before the walk and тальки for wool (киллтикс, больфо, адвантикс). For more safe walking better to associate a choice of two remedies pet. And during or after each walk the dog in the presence of ticks. At the manifestation of the clinical symptoms (weakness, refusal to feed, increased body temperature, skin pallor of the mucous membranes) urgently appeal to the veterinary doctor.

In the clinics of "Doctor Wet" render a full spectrum of services on diagnostics and treatment piroplasmosis.

Be vigilant! Health to You and Your beloved!